Keystone Board Adds New Trustee, Energy Board Conducts Retrospective at 2020 Winter Meetings

Keystone Policy Center’s Board of Trustees and Energy Board gathered in Keystone, Colo. Feb. 18-21 for their 2020 winter meetings. The Board of Trustees conducted its meetings Feb. 18-19 to consider new board nominations, evaluate ongoing and new Keystone initiatives, hear programmatic updates directly from staff, and offer guidance and feedback for the organization.

Kathleen L. Barrón’s nomination was approved during the meetings, making her the newest Keystone trustee. Barrón is senior vice president of federal regulatory affairs and wholesale market policy for Exelon Corporation. She oversees Exelon’s management of federal regulatory policies and strategies and is responsible for identifying and assessing key policy issues of interest to Exelon, crafting the company’s position on such issues, and developing strategies for achieving Exelon’s public policy objectives. She also is responsible for managing the company’s wholesale market design advocacy in each of the regional markets where the company operates. Barrón received a juris doctor from the University of Houston Law Center and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from American University.
With the focus on Keystone’s American Indian/Alaska Native program growing, board members also heard from Troy Eid, the co-chair of the American Indian Law Practice Group at GreenbergTraurig, about the basics of Indian law. Members of the Energy Board also attended Eid’s presentation.

The Energy Board met Feb. 20-21 to discuss topics ranging from building communities that are more adaptive to extreme weather and natural disasters, to renovating state regulatory processes and practices. The Energy Board is Keystone’s longstanding forum for energy sector leaders to learn about and discuss timely issues, examining the linkages among energy, environmental and economic policies.
The Energy Board also heard a retrospective from one of its founding members, Ed Gabriel. Gabriel explained the circumstances that led to the establishment of the Energy Board, highlighted the issues the board tackled in its early years, and examined how the approach of the board has evolved in its more than 30 years.